A unique Discord server where you can hangout, chill relax and have fun! You will have fun and if you are a dedicated fan and spend money on this server (mainly by boosting or nitro donating) you can get exclusive perks that you wouldn't find anywhere else. Start small, work your way up and have fun along the way! Just don't break the rules!
A unique Discord server where you can hangout, chill relax and have fun! You will have fun and if you are a dedicated fan and spend money on this server (mainly by boosting or nitro donating) you can get exclusive perks that you wouldn't find anywhere else. Start small, work your way up and have fun along the way! Just don't break the rules! Breaking in the rules can result in way less fun, so make sure to abide by our rules, and join the #A.R.M.Y by doing one of the above things! Eventually, I will set up a simplified donation system for superfans so that they can get exclusive perks and feel above the world (and the law.), while also making sure that they don't have too much ego! Join today, and I promise that you won't regret it. DISCORD PARTNER HERE I COME!