This server belongs to the youtuber squad squad! The server is mostly used for memes and a good amount of gaming. The server mostly plays Minecraft and fps games like COD and CSGO. Squad Squad is a meme channel on YouTube with approx. 7.4k subscribers. The channel mostly posts meme compilations. See you there!
This server belongs to the youtuber squad squad! The server is mostly used for memes and a good amount of gaming. The server mostly plays Minecraft and fps games like COD and CSGO. Squad Squad is a meme channel on YouTube with approx. 7.4k subscribers. The channel mostly posts meme compilations. Squad Squad does not make any money off of YouTube and purely posts for entertainment purposes only. Squad Squad is currently working on a Minecraft server but it is currently down to the public. His gamer tag on all games including COD and Minecraft is SquadsquadYT. See you in the server!