Starlight Eclipse

Starlight EclipseBasic

18 Members 15 Online Last Bump: 26 months ago


Welcome to Starlight Town A town birthed of superpowered warriors everyone is the same in this universe it all started....One infinite day, where no world even thought to exist life was born the stars alligned and the eternal moon and the undiying sun crossed over for just a second creating the multiverse and the ground on which we stand today but there is more to the legend than just that. but that is another story that shall be uncovered later.....Learn with the strongest teachers un


Welcome to Starlight Town A town birthed of superpowered warriors everyone is the same in this universe it all started....One infinite day, where no world even thought to exist life was born the stars alligned and the eternal moon and the undiying sun crossed over for just a second creating the multiverse and the ground on which we stand today but there is more to the legend than just that. but that is another story that shall be uncovered later.....Learn with the strongest teachers uncover the ways of you're abilites climb the ranking throughout the school system and become the absolute strongest abilites range from weather control to controlling time itself Hope to see ya there!



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